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Friday, September 21, 2018

Revisiting the luxury and glamour of Concorde

In March 1969, just months before Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, Concorde made its maiden flight. The supersonic plane embodied a vision of the future as daring as that of Apollo 11 -- but far better looking.
No plane has captured the public imagination quite like Concorde, even though only 20 were ever built, and they were flown by just two airlines. Today, nearly 50 years on, it still stands as one of humanity's most remarkable engineering achievements, and a truly timeless piece of design.

Designed by physics

In the aesthetically homogenous world of passenger planes, Concorde was a breathtaking distraction. It looked different from any other plane, with triangle-shaped wings and a pointed nose like a fighter jet, both of which were advantageous for supersonic travel.
"The design for Concorde was all informed by the physics," said Azerrad. "The end result was actually quite beautiful, but that was not the motivating intent behind the shape of the aircraft. So it's remarkable that, without any additional design flourishes whatsoever, it ended up looking like a beautiful swan."
Concorde flew commercially for 27 years, from 1976 to 2003, and could travel between London and New York in under four hours. A British and French co-production, the aircraft was on the shopping lists of most major airlines -- including Pan Am, Continental, American Airlines, Japan Airlines, Lufthansa and Qantas -- at the time of its first flight.


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